Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I noticed this cigarette packaging at the gas station one day and thought over all it was an interesting design. The green pattern makes you think that maybe these cigarettes will bring you more green paper (money) or possibly that these are more "green", as in good for the environment. Either way these were packaged to look more appealing than just the traditional white with a color. These have a different feeling to them and the package looks "hipper" than the rest. Over all a better color scheme than the rest of their packages.

Led Zeppelin - How Many More Times

This song is probably the best Led Zeppelin song that I have ever heard. It mainly focuses on the blues genre and the chord progressions used in the blues. Add the emotion that Jimmy Page puts into the solo and tell me that this song doesn't reach out to you in someway. I dare you to do it; and if you do I feel sorry for you because the blues reaches everyone. If you don't feel something when listening to or playing the blues then you have no emotion in you what so ever.